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© Garden House Nursery School (Cheltenham) | Company Number: 09830025.

About Us

The basis of the Montessori method is that all  children want to learn and, if presented with the right apparatus at the right psychological  moment they will virtually teach themselves. We have a wide range of different educational  resources to suit all children’s interests and  learning styles.  Moving at their own pace,  children progress through the Early Years  Foundation Stage, learn self-discipline; gain self- confidence and independence in readiness for  school. We plan for each unique child, therefore parents and carers are welcome to participate in their  child’s nursery school education and progress.   We also incorporate home/pre-school activities  such as sharing story sacks and asking each child to care for ‘Mr Bear’ who comes home with his  own suitcase.  All children are encouraged to  learn independently through their play and  progress at their own pace through ACTIVE  learning.
‘Enjoy, Learn, Achieve’
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About Us

The basis of the Montessori  method is that all children want  to learn and, if presented with the right apparatus at the right  psychological moment they will  virtually teach themselves. We have a wide range of different educational resources to suit all  children’s interests and learning  styles.  Moving at their own pace,  children progress through the  Early Years Foundation Stage,  learn self-discipline; gain self-  confidence and independence in  readiness for school. We plan for each unique child,  therefore parents and carers are  welcome to participate in their  child’s nursery school education  and progress.  We also  incorporate home/pre-school  activities such as sharing story  sacks and asking each child to  care for ‘Mr Bear’ who comes  home with his own suitcase.  All  children are encouraged to learn  independently through their play  and progress at their own pace  through ACTIVE learning.
© Garden House Nursery School (Cheltenham) | Company Number: 09830025.
‘Enjoy, Learn, Achieve’