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© Garden House Nursery School (Cheltenham) | Company Number: 09830025.

What is Montesorri Education?

What is Montessori Education? ‘The goal of early education should be to cultivate the child’s own natural desire to learn’ (Montessori, 1906) The founder of the Montessori method of education was Maria Montessori.  In 1896 she qualified as Italy’s first  woman doctor.  As a result of her pioneering work in the slums of San Lorenzo,  she subsequently directed her  energies towards education and opened her first school there in 1906.  Her educational philosophy quickly became  internationally acclaimed and is now known world-wide.  What does Montessori mean for children? Montessori education has an international reputation and influence.  It is a holistic approach; it develops and  educates the whole child physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally.  It is child centred, with each child  progressing at their own pace, not pressurised to achieve but encouraged to follow their own path of development.   It offers a unique combination of a highly structured curriculum, even at pre-school level, and the freedom for the  child to select their own activities.  This freedom of choice ensures Montessori children become enthusiastic  learners. Emphasis is placed on developing children’s creative imagination through art, craft, drama and role-play, with story  sacks and story-telling circle times.  ‘All children want to learn and, if presented with the right resources at the right time for them, they will virtually teach themselves’. ‘The adult’s skill is to facilitate this, to stand back, observe, listen and then plan for each child’ (Montessori 1906) (These quotes are relevant to the Revised EYFS Curriculum published in 2012)  What does Montessori mean for parents? Reassurance  that the basics will be taught in a concrete and active way, when your child is at an age that he or she is at their most receptive to learn various concepts. Knowledge that your child will be respected and treated as a valued individual, taught by Montessori teachers and  nursery staff who are receptive to each child’s needs.  Confidence that priority is given to developing social skills in children by encouraging them to be thoughtful,  courteous and making them appreciative of the richness of cultural diversity that characterises our multi-ethnic  society. Satisfaction that your child’s self esteem, feelings of self worth, confidence and independence, which are central to  Montessori education, will be developed in an environment where there is a high staff to child ratio, with a high  level of one to one care. 
‘Enjoy, Learn, Achieve’
What is Montessori Education
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What is Montesorri


What is Montessori Education? ‘The goal of early education should be to cultivate the child’s own natural desire to learn’ (Montessori, 1906) The founder of the Montessori method of education was Maria Montessori.   In 1896 she qualified as Italy’s first woman doctor.  As a result of her  pioneering work in the slums of San Lorenzo,  she subsequently directed her  energies towards education and opened her first school there in 1906.  Her  educational philosophy quickly became internationally acclaimed and is now  known world-wide.  What does Montessori mean for children? Montessori education has an international reputation and influence.  It is a  holistic approach; it develops and educates the whole child physically,  intellectually, socially and emotionally.  It is child centred, with each child  progressing at their own pace, not pressurised to achieve but encouraged to  follow their own path of development.  It offers a unique combination of a  highly structured curriculum, even at pre-school level, and the freedom for  the child to select their own activities.  This freedom of choice ensures  Montessori children become enthusiastic learners.  Emphasis is placed on developing children’s creative imagination through art,  craft, drama and role-play, with story sacks and story-telling circle times.  ‘All children want to learn and, if presented with the right resources at the right time for them, they will virtually teach themselves’. ‘The adult’s skill is to facilitate this, to stand back, observe, listen and then plan for each child’ (Montessori 1906) (These quotes are relevant to the Revised EYFS Curriculum published in 2012)  What does Montessori mean for parents? Reassurance  that the basics will be taught in a concrete and active way, when your child is at an age that he or she is at their most receptive to learn various concepts. Knowledge that your child will be respected and treated as a valued  individual, taught by Montessori teachers and nursery staff who are receptive  to each child’s needs.  Confidence that priority is given to developing social skills in children by  encouraging them to be thoughtful, courteous and making them appreciative  of the richness of cultural diversity that characterises our multi-ethnic  society. Satisfaction that your child’s self esteem, feelings of self worth, confidence  and independence, which are central to Montessori education, will be  developed in an environment where there is a high staff to child ratio, with a  high level of one to one care. 
© Garden House Nursery School (Cheltenham) | Company Number: 09830025.
‘Enjoy, Learn, Achieve’